What is the current work out program?

So today was a great day, managed to get my work out in at 5:30 am this morning and had a clean day of eating. Managed to be craving-free today. My food for the day is posted at the bottom of the post. So what is this Focus T-25 program? Well I am in the process of finding out as I have completed two days of it so far. Here is what I know:

The workouts are 5 days per week for 25 minutes per day, it is 25 minutes of intensity with no rests. Apparently studies have shown that 30 minutes of exercise can be just as effective at burning fat and more efficient than 60 minutes of exercise. And let’s face it, I am all about burning fat! So far I like the quick workouts. I have been doing other programs (P90X, P90X2) that are an hour or longer and some days it is bit long. So far the first two workouts haven’t been too bad, I actually hope they get harder, otherwise I may need to add some other things in. So this is an all new program from the company Beachbody (for which I am a coach and can help you with your goals) So the program is 10 weeks long broken into two phases, the Alpha Cycle, which focuses on the foundations, and secondly the Beta Cycle, which focuses on the core. The Alpha cycle is made up of 5 workouts that include, Cardio, Speed 1.0, total body, ab intervals, and lower body. The Beta cyccle is also made of up 5 work outs that include core cardio, speed 2.0, rip’t circuit, dynamic core, and upper body. According to the website, I will get ripped and shredded, haha we’ll see about that. I think my eating will play into this a little, actually a lot. The clean eating is the hardest part for me because I like the sweets so much. Seems like every week I do very good Monday-Thursday, then for some reason on the weekend, its like I forget how to eat and turn into a goodie hog. I am hoping to improve on that for sure.

Todays eats:
7am Breakfast – Shakeology shake with strawberries, green tea, flax, protein powder, ice, and spinach
10am snack – Cup of steamed broccoli, 5oz shredded chicken with salsa
1pm lunch – 6oz shredded chicken with salsa, 4 celery stalks, 5 radishes, 1 bell pepper, about 1/2 of a cucumber
4pm snack – Salad with, spinach, kale, tomatoes, onions, avocado, chia seed, red wine vinagrette, 2 hard boiled eggs, fresh basil
6:30 dinner – 6oz turkey burger (turkey, mushroons, onions, egg, panko) cooked in coconut oil, 1 bell pepper, cup of green beens
drank 110 oz of water/tea

total calories – 1,574 (43% protein, 31% carb, 27% fat)

If you want to learn more check me out http://www.beachbodycoach.com/johnmccann